Ramblers Support
We all know that navigating through life's ups and downs can at times be challenging, whether it be from exam and study pressure, mental health, or relationships. Sometimes the support of a good mate can help someone feel connected and supported.
However, although we all want to be there for our friends and teammates when they're struggling, sometimes it can be tricky to know what to say and do. That's why we've launched Ramblers Support.
A platform for our players to seek information about mental health, learn about available support and resources, whilst also providing avenues to speak with a club member privately at any time.

External Support & Resources

Mental Health Triage Service
13 14 65
The SA Health Mental Health Triage Service operates 24/7.

A conversation could a change a life.
13 11 14
24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.

Beyond Blue
A conversation could a change a life.
Mens Line Australia
1300 78 99 78
A free telephone and online counselling service.


National Youth Mental Health Foundation supporting Young People.